fun facts

18. April 2017.

How did Croatia become a homeland of extreme sport?

Extreme sport is one of those things that become more popular as the time goes. Stunts have become so advanced in the past few years that it’s almost impossible to replicate them. Slow motion is necessary to count the number of spins and the number of tricks that made our hearts skip a beat. You […]

Saznaj više
1. August 2016.

People of Pannonian

The biggest treasure of this festival isn’t its huge skatepark, or the brand, but the people who made this event happen. Let’s be honest, Osijek is a small town, and couldn’t even be compared to China’s Chengdu or USA’s Denver, but the story that has been building here for 17 years now, with the passion […]

Saznaj više
7. June 2016.

Fingerboard vs. Skateboard

Believe it or not, skateboard tricks are performed identically as those associated with fingerboard, so the similarities aren’t only in the names of these categories. The biggest difference, however, is that there is no fear of breaking some part of your body while performing fingerboard tricks (I mean, you could break your index finger, but […]

Saznaj više

Fingerboard vs. skateboard

Vjerovali ili ne, svi do jednog skateboard trika izvode se identično i u fingerboardu. I vidiš, nije sličnost samo u nazivu. Najveća je razlika, dakako, što se kod fingerboard trikova ne moraš brinuti i strahovati hoćeš li nešto slomiti (osim ako si baš baksuz pa slomiš kažiprst :D). Odlična stvar kod prstoboarda je što upravo […]

Saznaj više
1. June 2016.


SKUC je kuća koja kombinira privatni i javni prostor, u kojoj tijekom akademske godine žive studenti, a preko ljeta su vrata otvorena za sve. Mjesto na kojem se može poslušati predavanje, napraviti radionica ili pogledati extreme sport movie. Poznanstva i prijateljstva su jako bitna tijekom odrastanja i studiranja, a posebno kasnije u poslovnom životu, a […]

Saznaj više
31. May 2016.

Let’s talk about skate baby

Considering that our event is called Pannonian and not BMXonian, here are a few words about skating. Whose idea was it to put wheels on a board in the first place? Imagine this: you and your friends are all hyped for some surfing, you and your friends arrange a surfing session tomorrow afternoon, you are […]

Saznaj više
12. May 2016.

Five facts every Pannonian fan should know #pannonian

Take a look, even we weren’t aware of some facts listed here ☺ Boy were you wrong if you thought that the Pannonian Challenge was the only festival held under the sign of a mosquito! The United States also have something similar, embodied in the event known as The Great Mosquito Festival, annually held in […]

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