
10. June 2017.

2. day: Skate review

Finally this year we have a skate competition thanks to the sunny weather! Right at noon, 30 skate amateur riders did their first ride, they had 45 seconds and they impressed us with their tricks and amazing talent! Second run of the day took place around 1 pm, and the best guys were Toni Despot, […]

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9. June 2017.


Inline once again opened the first day of the sports program on Pannonian Challenge. They filled the whole skate park with positive energy and prepared the audience for the big after party in Vega! Today we expect even better atmosphere! 10 am passed by a long time ago, the practice started around 11 am, and […]

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18. May 2017.

LCC gang

There’s no traffic sign, bench, door, or bucket that doesn’t have an LCC sticker. A definition of combining work and pleasure is the skaters’ collective LCC from Osijek that consists of a joyful crew. This adjective fits perfectly for the way this conversation went – joyfully. For those who wonder what LCC stands for, and […]

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16. May 2017.

Top 5 most common tricks on Pannonian Challenge!

It’s already a common thing that Pannonian moves the boundaries of extreme sport, and gives the audience many new tricks. Drivers’ originality, their courage and skills are what get them to the top. During the past 17 years we’ve witnessed a huge change of the standard tricks. Backflip used to be the best thing someone […]

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5. May 2017.

Being a sk8er in Osijek: Andrej Mikulić

These days we took one of Osijek’s skater’s time and talked with him about how’s it being a skater in Osijek, and what did his journey through the world of skateboarding, and Pannonian in general looked like. Andrej Mikulić is 26 years old, and in his answers you will hear about his experiences, thoughts and […]

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Friday – skateboarding day!

This year’s skateboarding competition will be a major show, especially since the last year’s rain! Besides that, why shouldn’t you miss skateboarding on this year’s Pannonian? Because everything that has to do with skateboarding is cool! It is completely different from BMX and inline, because every trick skaters make isn’t under their control, but the […]

Saznaj više
18. April 2017.

How did Croatia become a homeland of extreme sport?

Extreme sport is one of those things that become more popular as the time goes. Stunts have become so advanced in the past few years that it’s almost impossible to replicate them. Slow motion is necessary to count the number of spins and the number of tricks that made our hearts skip a beat. You […]

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28. February 2017.

Grab your calendars, because the most exciting Pannonian challenge is here!

The way we like it, only this time more fun. One of the head night performers is S.A.R.S! This year the largest regional festival of extreme sports reaches maturity and celebrates 18 years of flights, turns, falls, dance and laughter – shortly, a world-class entertainment, and it will celebrate this anniversary with a spectacular fashion! […]

Saznaj više
6. July 2016.

Skate tradicija diljem Lijepe Naše

Prvi vikend adrenalinskog spektakla s nama su i izaslanstva skate klubova koja imaju zanimljivu povijest. U nastavku vam donosimo zanimljive informacije o njima, kao i njihovim članovima koji će još više podići adrenalin na ovogodišnjem izdanju festivala. Skateboard klub Urban Element je osnovan 1998. godine u Splitu od strane prve generacije splitskih skatera. Do sada […]

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2. July 2016.

Nova skate era na Pannonian Challengeu

Osijek možda jest grad u kojem vladaju biciklisti. Ali da je pod njegovim nebom itekako važno mjesto pronašla mala daska s četiri kotača, to je neupitno. Skateri su važan dio Pannoniana. Festival bez njih ne može, kao ni jagode bez šlaga ili Osijek bez komaraca. No, ovogodišnje izdanje Pannoniana ispričat će jednu posebnu skate priču […]

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New skate era at Pannonian Challenge

Osijek may be a city where bikes set up their own kingdom, but don’t think that a small board with four wheels didn’t find an important place under the city’s Sun. Skaters are an integral part of the festival, and this year’s edition will write a whole new skate story, giving Croatia and the world’s […]

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29. June 2016.

Prijave za sportaše

Ukoliko si ljubitelj ekstremnih sportova i želiš postati dijelom Pannonian Challengea, možeš se prijaviti na natjecanje, no isključivo online OVDJE. Kao i do sada, svoje će vještine pokazati profesionalni svjetski i hrvatski vozači, a ovo je tvoja prilika da se natječeš na istom mjestu kao i oni. Dakle, ako voliš adrenalin i pozitivnu energiju, posjeduješ […]

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